Leadership Development

Are you a talented, high performer seeking to hone your leadership skills? Or are you an executive looking to develop your internal talent? Our Leadership Development services help you understand your edge, align with core purpose and activate your potential so you and your team can lead dynamically and effectively. Learn more by reading about our services below.

Leadership Assessment

Our assessment and feedback process is designed to illuminate your core motivations, strengths and challenges so you can re-imagine how to lead more effectively.

Leadership Coaching

Building on the core needs and opportunities identified through our leadership assessment process, we create an individualized program to activate your untapped leadership capabilities.

Role Alignment

By helping you understand the full scope and depth of your organizational role, we can identify what’s needed from you to maximize your leadership performance.

Leadership Assessment

Successful leadership begins with an awareness and understanding of the self. After all, how can we lead others if we don’t understand ourselves?

Our assessment and feedback process is designed to illuminate your motivations, strengths, challenges and emotions, so you can re-imagine how to lead more effectively. Our unique blend of standardized and “real-time” measures allows us to look carefully at how you work within your larger organizational context. And using best practice assessment tools, we capture a snapshot of your current leadership skills.

With the understanding developed through this process, we build an individualized Leadership Coaching program that’s rooted in your motivation and sense of purpose. From this foundation, we help you create greater leadership impact and become a more effective leader.

Leadership Coaching

Connecting to your purpose fuels motivation, performance and fulfillment. Building on the needs and opportunities identified through our assessment process, we create an individualized program to activate your untapped leadership capabilities. Our Leadership Coaching focuses on two distinct areas:

  • Developing your skills, including emotional intelligence, listening and communication, and conflict management.
  • Helping you gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between yourself, your role, and the dynamics of your organization.

Our Leadership Coaching helps you gain greater awareness of the challenges and opportunities in fully taking up your leadership role, while simultaneously developing key skills. By facilitating this journey, we help you become more alive and engaged as a leader.

Role Alignment

There’s often a “disconnect” between how a person views his or her role within an organization and what the organization expects of that individual. This lack of alignment can be particularly complex for those in leadership roles.

By helping you understand the full scope and depth of your organizational role, we identify what’s needed from you to maximize your performance. We focus in particular on how you experience your role, through a three-step process:

  • Clarifying all the aspects of your role, on the levels of task as well as experience.
  • Exploring the degree of alignment between what is expected of you and what you are bringing to the role.
  • Progressively creating greater alignment between these role expectations.

Our ultimate goal in Role Alignment is to help you become more conscious, motivated, and effective in serving your organization’s purpose.